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Getting started

.NET ActiveMQ Artemis Client is a lightweight library built on top of AmqpNetLite. The main goal of this project is to provide a simple API that allows fully leverage Apache ActiveMQ Artemis capabilities in .NET World.


.NET ActiveMQ Artemis Client is distributed via NuGet. You can add ActiveMQ.Artemis.Client NuGet package using dotnet CLI:

dotnet add package ArtemisNetClient

API overview

The API interfaces and classes are defined in the ActiveMQ.Artemis.Client namespace:

using ActiveMQ.Artemis.Client;

The core API interfaces and classes are:

  • IConnection : represents AMQP 1.0 connection
  • ConnectionFactory : constructs IConnection instances
  • IConsumer : represents a message consumer
  • IProducer : represents a message producer attached to a specified address
  • IAnonymousProducer : represents a message producer capable of sending messages to multiple addresses

Creating a connection

Before any message can be sent or received, a connection to the broker endpoint has to be opened. The AMQP endpoint where the client connects is represented as an Endpoint object. The Endpoint object can be created using the factory method Create that accepts individual parameters specifying different parts of the Uri.

host: "localhost",
port: 5672,
user: "guest",
password: "guest",
scheme: Scheme.Amqp);
  • host and the port parameters define TCP endpoint.
  • user and password parameters determine if authentication (AMQP SASL) should be performed after the transport is established. When user and password are absent, the library skips SASL negotiation altogether.
  • scheme parameter defines if a secure channel (TLS/SSL) should be established.

To open a connection to an ActiveMQ Artemis node, first instantiate a ConnectionFactory object. ConnectionFactory provides an asynchronous connection creation method that accepts Endpoint object.

The following snippet connects to an ActiveMQ Artemis node on localhost on port 5672 as a guest user using guest as a password via the insecure channel (AMQP).

var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
var endpoint = Endpoint.Create("localhost", 5672, "guest", "guest");
var connection = await connectionFactory.CreateAsync(endpoint);


Closing connection, the same as opening, is a fully asynchronous operation.

To disconnect, simply call DisposeAsync on connection object:

await connection.DisposeAsync();

Connections, producers, and consumers are meant to be long-lived objects. The underlying protocol is designed and optimized for long-running connections. That means that opening a new connection per operation, e.g. sending a message, is unnecessary and strongly discouraged as it will introduce a lot of network round trips and overhead. The same rule applies to all client resources.

Sending messages

The client uses IProducer and IAnonymousProducer interfaces for sending messages. To to create an instance of IProducer you need to specify an address name and a routing type to which messages will be sent.

var producer = await connection.CreateProducerAsync("a1", RoutingType.Anycast);

All messages sent using this producer will be automatically routed to address a1 using Anycast routing type:

await producer.SendAsync(new Message("foo"));

To send messages to other addresses you can create more producers or use IAnonymousProducer interface. IAnonymousProducer is not connected to any particular address.

var anonymousProducer = await connection.CreateAnonymousProducer();

Each time you want to send a message, you need to specify the address name and the routing type:

await anonymousProducer.SendAsync("a2", RoutingType.Multicast, new Message("foo"));

Receiving messages

The client uses IConsumer interface for receiving messages. IConsumer can be created as follows:

var consumer = await connection.CreateConsumerAsync("a1", RoutingType.Anycast);

As soon as the subscription is set up, the messages will be delivered automatically as they arrive, and then buffered inside consumer object. The number of buffered messages can be controlled by Consumer Credit . In order to get a message, simply call ReceiveAsync on IConsumer .

var message = await consumer.ReceiveAsync();

If there are no messages buffered ReceiveAsync will asynchronously wait and return as soon as the new message appears on the client.

This operation can potentially last an indefinite amount of time (if there are no messages), therefore ReceiveAsync accepts CancellationToken that can be used to communicate a request for cancellation.

var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var message = await consumer.ReceiveAsync(cts.Token);

This may be particularly useful when you want to shut down your application.