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Getting started

ArtemisNetCoreClient is an open-source effort to equip .NET developers with a powerful, straightforward client for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis. Utilizing the broker's CORE protocol, this library focuses on high-performance messaging, ensuring compatibility and comprehensive feature support with Apache ActiveMQ Artemis.


The library is distributed via NuGet. You can add ArtemisNetCoreClient NuGet package using dotnet CLI:

dotnet add package  ArtemisNetCoreClient --prerelease

API overview

The API interfaces and classes are defined in the ActiveMQ.Artemis.Core.Client namespace:

using ActiveMQ.Artemis.Core.Client;

The main API interfaces and classes are:

  • IConnection: represents a connection with the broker
  • ConnectionFactory: constructs IConnection instances
  • ISession: represents a context for producing and consuming messages
  • IConsumer: represents a message consumer
  • IProducer: represents a message producer attached to a specified address
  • IAnonymousProducer: represents a message producer capable of sending messages to multiple addresses

Creating a Connection

To send or receive messages, you first need to establish a connection with the broker endpoint. This connection process starts by setting up an Endpoint class instance, which specifies the connection parameters.

Initializing the Endpoint

You can initialize an Endpoint object using the following object initializer in C#:

var endpoint = new Endpoint
Host = "localhost",
Port = 61616,
User = "guest",
Password = "guest"
  • Host and Port properties specify the TCP endpoint for the connection.
  • User and Password are credentials used to authenticate the client application with the broker.

Establishing a Connection

To connect to an ActiveMQ Artemis node, create a ConnectionFactory object. This factory provides a method to asynchronously create connections using the previously defined Endpoint object.

Here is how you can connect to an ActiveMQ Artemis node using the Endpoint configuration:

var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
var connection = await connectionFactory.CreateAsync(endpoint);

This example demonstrates how to connect to an ActiveMQ Artemis node using localhost on port 61616 with the username and password both set to guest.