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ActiveMQ Artemis provides several guarantees regarding reliable message delivery and processing. In Message Durability Modes section, you may learn how to send a single message so it won't be lost in transit.

If you need stronger guarantees that span over multiple messages you need to use transactions.

Let's image that as part of your processing flow you want to send a series of messages in a all or nothing manner:

var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
var endpoint = Endpoint.Create("localhost", 5672, "guest", "guest");
var connection = await connectionFactory.CreateAsync(endpoint);

await using (var transaction = new Transaction())
await producer.SendAsync(
address: "credit-queue",
message: new Message("credit:500,account:a"),
transaction: transaction
await producer.SendAsync(
address: "debit-queue",
message: new Message("debit:500,account:b"),
transaction: transaction);

await transaction.CommitAsync();

Consumers attached to credit-queue and debit-queue won't see any messages until you call CommitAsync on the Transaction object. If any of these operations fail, it will be as if nothing happened.

Message acknowledge operations can also participate in a transaction. The typical flow is that you receive a message [1], do some transformation, and publish another message [2] as a result. In order to be sure that the [1] will be acknowledged only if you successfully sent the [2], you can do sth like this:

var endpoint = Endpoint.Create("localhost", 5672, "guest", "guest");
var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
await using var connection = await connectionFactory.CreateAsync(endpoint);
await using var producer = await connection.CreateProducerAsync("my-address-2", RoutingType.Anycast);
await using var consumer = await connection.CreateConsumerAsync("my-address-1", RoutingType.Anycast);

var msg1 = await consumer.ReceiveAsync();

await using (var transaction = new Transaction())
// transactionally acknowledge message
await consumer.AcceptAsync(msg1, transaction);

var result = DoSomeProcessing(msg1);
var msg2 = new Message(result);

// transactionally send another message
await producer.SendAsync(msg2, transaction);

// commit the two operations
await transaction.CommitAsync();